
From Zarifa khanum’s sayings...
From Zarifa khanum’s sayings:
"When I was nine years old, I slept with the letargic dream at first for 12 days and then for 18 days. According to my mother’s descriptions I was slept in a hungry and thirsty state with a pleasant smile on my face. When at last I woke up, I became very weak and lost much weight. It became known to me that adult relatives of mine built in good time a big tent for my sake to conduct my up coming funeral considering me dead.

But getting out of my letargic dream I felt a new ability in myself which was an internal vision. Though I did not receive a special instruction I began to recite the holy Koran. But some strange events had places before my ninth age. Once I came down to the ground from the fifth floor and I did not have any injury. In my grandfather’s home I used to play with snakes. I always felt a special power-strength in myself.

From Mashhad I received an invitation to come and start a practice as a representative of Imam Reza’s geneology but was not agree. I gave my privilege to my home country than any other state. If I can somehow decrease hardships of my nation in such a difficult time it means that in someway I can serve it with something. All I earn for my service I share with disables, left alones, olds and orphans. I am happy even when I bring some presents to barracks during meetings with soldiers.”

Side by side with the internal vision ability Zarifa khanum can define the diagnosis and cure all diseases very soon without an application of any medical aids. Among cured by him men there were innumerous number of doctors, medical personalities besides ordinary men.

In all letters of gratitude the method of curing of Zarifa khanum is thoroughly described. It is mentioned that in those diseases before which the medical science is disable, curing lady shows her miracle. Even an industrial magnat living in Romania received his recovery from the hand of seyid Zarifa khanum and called one of the industrial products manufactured in his factory he called "Zarifa” on her honor.

"Though I have different awards but I have never done those charity issues for getting either remuneration, or for the sake of thanking givings” were the words of Zarifa khanum. "Lately I met with injustice in the home country. My patience was at the edge. I made a decision to take my both children and leave for Germany to permanent stay there. I was invited to Arif Rafiyev employed at the Ministry of Justice. He expressed his sorrow for none-appreciation of extra-ordinary men in our country. He rendered me a disinterested assistance in preparation of my documents. Even today I can’t forget his assistance and also a support of Ramiz muallim to me.

Indeed, in Germany in the initial period of my stay there, people turned to me with some hesitation. In fact, this suspect was quite natural relation to the miracle of a woman with three class education. It took me only some 15 minutes to prove them that the miracle is really in existence even today.

While my seven months stay in Germany I took two rather difficult exams and only after them I received the permission to deal with my job independently. It was at the end of the second month of my coming there. Everybody who knew me there called me "Frau X-ray”. I managed to name the company I was going to establish like that. Already there is every condition ready for my work there.

I know only one thing that where ever I am, I will try to return to my homeland. I happened to be in this time too. During two months of my intermediate stay in Azerbaijan I received those who were in need of seeing me and I managed to do everything depending on me for them.”

Zarifa khanum is a single person with her ability of internal vision in the world. She uses to be in a contact with some different world which is even not known to her either. She could not compare those things which she saw in that unusual world with our own world. She could never forget that the very world which she observed while her letargic dreams and its comfort seemed her like a bird’s flight which she could not step in again.

Zarifa khanum is not able to describe orally whatever she had seen in that lighty world. She feels a kind of prohibition to speak about those round roofs and arcs brightly shining there. Though Zarifa khanum did not want to return back from that world, our Creator returned her back for the sake of people. Apparently, she traveled the world of spirits but she had not been permitted to stay there permanently.

In the holy Koran there is also sayings about the spirit. "Spirit is among issues of the God” is the phrase from there and it makes clear that this mystery is known to God only. It is his secret.

Everybody is enchanted by the power of Zarifa khanum, covered to the light of the divine gift. Where from the source of this power? There is a scientific explanation of it but the scientific description of such events is among issues of God.

The development of the medical science along the up-raising line, achievements gained in the field of biology and genetics have not yet been completed and does not yet allow to have a satisfactory results. The life desire of a sick man and his wish to recover from the disease is quite natural case. But what about the divine gift bringing a man from the simplicity to the supremeness? Does every man created by God carry such a supreme feeling of reception, such a gentle understanding, intuition and magnifying ability?

This phenomenal person gifting the recovery to thousands of sick men with the wonderful power of her hands is able to lit her lantern in the hearts of suffering from various diseases people by means of her secret smile.

Hazrat Ali ibn Abu Talib in his book "Nahjule Balaga” which is regarded the second one according to its importance by containing valuable afforizms after holy Koran, gave the explanation of this reality by saying:

"People of imam behavior is differed by a smile in his face and sorrow in his soul. His soul is wider than anything, his avarice is less than all. Disliking the big-headedness he is the enemy of the fame, having much grieve and deep thoughts. He prays much and has a great patience. In most cases he keeps a silence and when he sees a needy man he forgets his own needs. He has a good character and his behavior with others is faithful and soft. He is strong from the point of dignity and religion and he is obeying from the character approach.”

None of these best features observed in these sayings remained outside of the character of great curer Zarifa khanum, she is exactly like that.

"There are such children of God that they are created by Him for the service to other slaves of Him and gave some gifts to them for the benefit of others needing it.”

And Zarifa khanum is curing those suffering men with the gift presented to her by the divine light as it is described by these saint phrases.

There might not be any other explanation of miracles of Zarifa khanum beloved by all oriented to purity people as the sample of dignity and modestness. A man is capable to many achievements with his scientific acknowledgement and skills. He builds, creates, penetrates his mind to sky and planets. But man’s knowledge is not able to explain to him everything surrounding him.

The miracle presented to Zarifa khanum by the God, the explanation of the full of divine light eyes of hers are among unexplained secrets of the gift given to her in the time when she was asleep for days.

Zarifa khanum has a hardship in her heart which is bigger than the world itself-the grief for homeland. Pain of the soul for her home region Kalbajar sometimes brought her to the thought that: "Wealties of Kalbajar is in the hand of the enemy. At present those riches supports those enemy to flourish.”

And our thoughts are as following. What to do, if they are winged by the sources of Kalbajar then our existence continues thanking to the health given to the nation by such an honest and upright daughter of the nation as you, Zarifa khanum. You yourself are also the rare and valuable uncomparably precious finding and wealth.

And to guard and keep you save is the duty of every faithful and wealthy citizen of the nation. All recovered people from the curing hands, crystal eyes, divine breath wishes it as well. Let this faithful lady be covered with the governmental care for taking into the account the lower layer of the society which is in quite different life conditions than others. Because she treats all of them disinterestedly.

... Lately the appearance of much alternatives to the science and medicine does not surprise anybody. Curing with herbas, Chinese-Tibet way of treating, recovery of sick people by miracles of extra-ordinary persons. Some men blames them for being liers and regard them over-users of their abilities and so the relation of the society to them depends either they believe to them or not. It would be at least unhonestness to remain to the increase of the number of such gifted men. Side by side with persons having the real divine gift there are others who are liers and harmful forecasters or those whose supreme energy is already exhausted but they do not leave their job alone.
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