
Rustamova Askinaz
Three monthes ago my illness began with shivering. Both the right and the left side of my body began to shiver with cold. For the treatment I took several medical herbs made a hot drink of them. I used it for some times but it wasn’t useful for me.
Then I decided to know about my illness. In this connection I went to the hospital in Ganja city.
After the ultrasound examination the doctors informed that there were a lot of stones in my gall-bladder. Besides it my liver had growen 1,2-2 cm (centimeter). They wrote a prescription for me. I was in sad. Because I had no money for a medicine. 
By chance, I was told about Zarifa khanim.
She received me and after 1-2 minutes’ examination said about my disease. My disease was nephritis and my right kidney was seriously ill. 
After three séances my illness passed. There is a question that is very interesting for me.
The doctors both took a lot of money and made mistakes. I don’t understand the way they behave.
I am grateful to Zarifa khanim as long as I live.
May God prolong her life.

Address: 72, Bunyatzadeh Street, Ganja
12th March, 1995.
Rustamova Askinaz.
Date of birth, 1937.
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